Modelab bibliography
· Mark Amery, Amber Clausner, Sophie Jerram, “Surveillance Awareness Bureau” in Urgent Moments (Wellington: Massey University Press, 2023), 150-151.
· Mark Amery (ed.) “Surveillance Awareness Bureau” in Brokered Dreams: 98 Uses for Vacant Space (Wellington: Letting Space and Wellington Independent Arts Trust, 2020) p. 92.
· Reviews of “Transient Flows” by Zoe Yeh and Rikey Cheng, Taipei, June 2019.
· Ica Rivera, “Hole in the Wall” Rogue, March-April 2018.
· “Visual artist represents Mexico at Biennale” BusinessMirror, February 28, 2018.
· Tania Puente García “Dibujar fantasmas. Apariciones, contracartografías y disputas en el espacio público en dos obras de Carolina Andreetti y Sandra Calvo”, Programa de Artistas de la Universidad Di Tella. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018
· “Al-Mutanabbi Street,” What’s On Sydney, February 28, 2017.
· “Lo más esperado del mes de marzo,” Revista Código, March 1, 2017.
· “Instalación cuestiona guerra contra las drogas,” El Porvenir, February 2, 2017.
· Simon Schatzberg, “Ghost Walker Project Seeks to Uncover Part of Mexico City’s Past” The News, July 31, 2016.
· “Ghost Walker”: Una Caminata Imposible por la Historia de la Ciudad de México” Canal 22, August 17, 2016.
· “El pasado según Ghost Walker” Luces del Siglo, August 3, 2016.
· “Evoca Ghost Walker el pasado de la urbe” Reforma, August 1, 2016.
· Manuel Rocha, “Proyecto Ghost Walker: el ruido urbano como constructo antropológico estético (guía mínima para entender los sonidos de la ciudad)” Ixaya, año 5, no. 9 (jun.-nov. 2015), Departamento de Desarrollo Social - CUCSH, Universidad de Guadalajara,
Rodrigo Azaola bibliography
Monographs and Exhibition Catalogues (Selection)
HCRH: 1947-2017, Mexico: Fundación Alumnos 47, Mexico, 2019.
1812-2016, Mexico City: Muca Roma, 2017.
Azaola, Phantom Pain, Bolivia: SIART Bienal, 2017.
Arriola, Magalí, Prophets of deceit, San Francisco: California College of the Arts, 2006.
Ulrich Obrist, Hans and Pamela Echeverria, Do It / Házlo, Mexico City: Museo Carrillo Gil, 2002.
Selected Publications
I. Conference Papers and Peer-reviewed publications
· R. Azaola, “Impunity landscapes: SIBs”, Débordements: Lettres, Arts, Cinéma, Université Paris-Diderot, Paris, 2024 (July)
· R. Azaola, “A little better: Emotions in the age of cryptocurrencies”, 26th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Montreal, 2020 (presentation: 13.10.2020).
· R. Azaola, “Phantom Pain: From Absence Dearest Memories Are Born”, 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Durban, 2018.
· R. Azaola, “Share or Divide? Brazil and Mexico as the Emerging Artistic Powers of Latin America” 10th Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia [AiLaSA] 2012.
II. Thesis
Azaola, R. “A Banquet of Seaweed: Contemporary Culture and Politics in Egypt,” MPhil diss. IR-Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de México, Mexico, 2007.
III.Magazines and Newspapers (Selection)
R. Azaola, “Visiones desde la cuarentena: Sydney”: [Visions from lockdown: Sydney] Letras Libres, 10 April, 2020
R. Azaola, “Irán: El juego de la paciencia”: [Iran: The patience game] Letras Libres, 8 October, 2019
R. Azaola, “Por qué Christchurch se va a repetir”: [Why Christchurch will happen again] Letras Libres, 30 April, 2019
R. Azaola, “En Hungría, Frida Kahlo es el enemigo” [In Hungary, Frida Kahlo is the enemy], Letras Libres, 19 November, 2018
R. Azaola, “La criptoeconomía de una generación perdida: [The cryptoeconomy of a lost generation] Letras Libres, 21 August, 2018
R. Azaola, “Irán y Estados Unidos: el ajedrez nuclear” [Iran and the United States: Nuclear chess], Letras Libres, 15 May, 2018
R. Azaola, “Refugee Artists Take Control of their Representation in a New Exhibition”, Artslant, October 18, 2017
R. Azaola, “Filipinas: la otra guerra contra las drogas” [Philippines: The Other War on Drugs] Letras Libres 14 November, 2017
R. Azaola, “A cien años de la revolución de Octubre: Vietnam” [One Hundred Years After the October Revolution: Vietnam] Letras Libres, 17 May, 2017
Complete list (link)